Recently, Xiaomi confirmed the adoption of OceanBase for some of its business systems, further upgrading the smart manufacturing based on the distributed database services provided by OceanBase. Currently, Xiaomi has upgraded pilot business systems to OceanBase and has been running stably for several months, achieving high availability and high performance, while slashing the costs.
Xiaomi Corporation was founded in April 2010 and listed on the Main Board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on July 9, 2018 ( Xiaomi is a consumer electronics and smart manufacturing company with smartphones and smart hardware connected by an IoT platform at its core. As the corporation's business has been growing rapidly, the challenges of performance, fault recovery, and operational costs of Xiaomi's key business systems have gradually emerged.
In October 2023, Xiaomi decided to adopt a distributed database to overcome these challenges. The company conducted comprehensive assessments in aspects such as product, ecosystem, service, and best practices, and finally chose OceanBase for the following main reasons:
First, high performance. OceanBase supports multiple reads and writes. Under high-concurrency scenarios, the scaling capabilities of OceanBase can achieve linear growth in performance without downtime or application changes, providing faster and more stable responses to performance-intensive workloads. Data from the pilot business system shows that OceanBase's OLTP performance is 2-3 times higher than XDB, and the response time under high-concurrency scenarios is only 1/5 of XDB, thus exceeding Xiaomi's expectations for the response time of business systems.
Second, high availability. OceanBase has industry-leading automatic recovery capabilities with an RTO of less than 8 seconds, ensuring business continuity even when servers, zones, or regions experience faults, thereby avoiding costly and complex faults and data loss issues. Data from the pilot business system shows that OceanBase's fault recovery time is 3/4 shorter than XDB, and it only takes 4 seconds to recover to the original TPS, taking Xiaomi's business continuity to the next level.
Third, slashed costs. OceanBase's multi-tenant capabilities can significantly improve resource utilization and management efficiency. Additionally, its advanced compression technology based on LSM-Tree can significantly save storage costs. Data from the pilot business system shows that OceanBase saves 42% of storage costs and 50% of servers compared to XDB.
Fourth, powerful ecosystem support. OceanBase fully supports Xiaomi's business ecosystem, completed various compatibility verifications, and is compatible with Binlog, thus simplifying the complexity of technical integration, and facilitating the adaptation to Xiaomi's technical architecture.
In the future, Xiaomi will further collaborate with OceanBase to upgrade more key business systems and accelerate the smart manufacturing of the company.